Monday, November 3, 2008

RM 40 Billion Unclaimed Money - Die Without Writing A Will

RM 40 Billion Unclaimed Money - Die Without Writing A Will
Nov 24th, 2007 by Editor
There is RM 40 billion worth of assets left by Malaysians and yet to be claimed by their heirs because most of them die without writing a Will. Make sure your assets DO NOT add to this unclaimed money!

This was reported on the New Straits Times paper on January 22, 2007.

By the way, some of this money could belong to you. That is the sad state of affairs in our country. Because of taboo and the lack of desire to plan for one’s death, which by the way, will happen, and assets are frozen. Frozen assets are of no use to your family or to society as a whole.
When you die without writing a will, it creates problems of inheritance, and leaves your family stranded with outstanding loans and other obligation, without the means to pay for your obligations. Why? It takes a long time for the money and other assets to pass on to them.
Funny thing is, after there is a major disaster, like accidents, tsunami or Sept 11, the number of people who wrote Will increased। I’ve also heard people who are going for surgery decide to write their Will. Somehow the prospect of death makes people no longer put of creating this important document.

We wish to inform you to check on the lists of unclaimed funds and if you are interested in claiming any of the funds please contact us so that we can give you details.


Your can also be eligible to claim any of the listed unclaimed funds in as much as you are capable of utilising the money very well after you have rceived it. We wil help you to make claim successful.

Write us today -- Hisham